Yet another B&H live Q&A&Q presentation by us on November 15th at 3:00pm ET. We’ll be covering a lot of current issues and court cases and a bunch on Artificial Intelligence (AI) generated images and copyright. There’s tons of bad information from both sides, those for and against AI imagery, that we’ve been reading. We have our own strong opinions on the subject.

The impressionist image shown here was one Jack created via Dall E and altered a bit (like the copyright symbol). And while he did do some work on it, because it’s an AI produced basic image, it’s still not copyrightable. As Jack says, it’s sort of like putting lipstick on a pig. Looks better but it’s still a pig.

Come and listen and ask questions live on the 15th. Or ask here before or after. Should be fun and interesting.

Here’s the link to it: Q&A&Q (