During these extraordinary times criminals and fraudsters have been arrested for selling fake cures, testing kits, and counterfeit ineffective personal protection equipment like masks and gowns. The photo industry is being confronted by a different brand of predators who while not putting lives at risk, are nevertheless seeking to take money from creatives’ pockets. It is plainly […]
Posts Tagged social media
Pandemic Predators
May 18
The two of us love great quotes, like almost every quoted line in Young Frankenstein (what’s not to love). Here’s one by the great writer Henry James (1843 – 1916) that is not as famous as Igor’s “What hump?”, but probably more meaningful for this column – “She had an unequalled gift, usually pen in […]
Hip Hop Hop – Part 4 of 3
Apr 15
We are adding a 4th part to our 3-part article, as we received an e-mail doubting the authenticity of the practices of #2 in part 3. We were discussing how companies use social media, while hiding the fact that it’s them posting stuff. We wrote: “Companies make their own posts under a variety of methods […]
To post or not to post? That is the question. This was going to be a comment in reply to Damian in our “comments” area, but we decided it really warrants its own article. Basically, the question is, “Just what rights do you give up in those social media Terms of Service (TOS) agreements”? To […]