One of the things that make this copyright blog of ours unique is that we pull stuff from our actual experiences. They are not assumptions, not impossible scenarios or “what ifs”, but rather experiences and events from the field, from real life. Most of the time the names and the exact facts are changed to protect […]
Posts Tagged Infringements
Working Blue
Jun 19
Follow The Money
Mar 2
“When you know the truth it will drive you insane …” so said Aldous Huxley and who are we to argue with Huxley. Ask anyone involved in the creation, appropriation, infringement, adjudication, sales or licensing of intellectual property this simple question: “To what do you attribute the increased amount of stealing or infringing on the works […]
Let Us Count The Ways….
May 22
Recently a federal judge in New York who happens to see Ed and his associate in his courtroom with some frequency, asked a pretty good question. Paraphrased the inquiry was, “How would you categorize the types of infringement claims and cases that have been coming into your office”? So Ed did an informal inventory of […]
What’s It Worth?
Dec 9
One of the first questions creatives ask (to themselves or others) when their work is infringed, is, “How much is this worth?” or “What can I get out of this”? Logical questions to ask. One of the worst things you can do is ask your “friends” online. If you want a boatload of bad information […]
The great writer Mario Puzo wrote about the underworld of gangsters and in his seminal book, “The Godfather” , summed up the world lawyers live in quite eloquently with the line: “We are all honorable men here, we do not have to give each other assurances as if we were lawyers.” It’s amazing what can […]
There is a famous quote attributed to Mark Twain, who in turn erroneously attributed it himself to Benjamin Disraeli, which has been used by many, and is absolutely one of our favorites. It goes: “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.” This will be a blog article on statistics. Some in […]