Hey All- Jack is just back from speaking in Manila at PhotoWorld Asia and Ed has been neck deep in cases, so this blog has blogged down in the last month.
But we’re both back and will be posting again this month. There have been some interesting “issues” that have come up. Stay tuned.
Jack and Ed
#1 by Michael Corbin on February 3, 2012 - 10:16 am
Welcome back. We missed ya.
#2 by Matt Timmons on February 7, 2012 - 12:15 am
Good to have ya back. If you ever have time, it would be great to do an article about “what to do” if a magazine wants to commission a photographers’ work. Rates? Rights? Who’s getting what and how to proceed. Broad scope I know, but even some guidelines for us who wouldn’t even know where square one is would be great. Cheers guys-
#3 by Jack and Ed on February 7, 2012 - 9:20 am
Matt, WAAAAY to case specific and broad to really cover here. That’s a whole book. I highly recommend FotoQuote from Cradoc (http://www.cradocfotosoftware.com)
That will give you price ranges and negotiating tips.
#4 by Matt Timmons on February 10, 2012 - 2:34 am
Thanks Jack, I knew it was a stretch but worth asking. I’ll check it FotoQuote.