We write and lecture an awful lot about the importance of negotiating. We suggest or critique, various techniques, strategies, approaches and tactics. All of our efforts are made with good reason. While negotiating is an important survival tool for any person, it is an indispensable skill for the people known as “creatives”. (See our upcoming […]
Archive for category Legal Things
Check Please!
Aug 23
We have written and lectured frequently on the importance of registering everything because you never know what might be infringed or by whom or even how. We have emphasized that while most attention is incorrectly focused on web infringements, cases which involve packaging, point of purchase, billboards and other media are generally more egregious. Sometimes […]
More Myths That Will Not Die
Jul 22
Currently playing on a computer screen near you are these two myths. The first one is as old as we are, the second is fairly new and for the life of us we can’t figure out its genesis. Myth 1 – You don’t necessarily have to sue in Federal Court for copyright infringement. WRONG, you […]
Where in the World……
Jul 1
A photographer based in Italy with their spouse, asked this question: “Does registration protect me if I’m in Italy and have a copyright violation?” A lot of what the answer is has to do on where you want to sue, in the US or in Italy. We can only tell you what US law is, […]
Gonna Write me a Letter
Jun 11
So, this wedding photographer hires a second photographer to assist and help photograph a wedding. Lots of things happen very fast at a wedding and you only get one shot at it. Having another photographer there is a huge help and frankly, smart business at a time when professionals have to separate themselves from “Uncle […]
Act 2- The Obituary
May 22
No need here to recount the former glory of Sygma. Participants in the photojournalism aspect of the industry have known for years that Sygma existed in name only. Many trace the commencement of the demise to the acquisition of Sygma by Corbis. We note in the previous Act 1, the passing/closing/demise of Sygma as described […]
Our saga opens on a dark and stormy night (not really, it’s a sunny day in May, but we always wanted to say that ala that great mystery writer, Snoopy) with a letter from Corbis to the Sygma photographers. Sygma is being “liquidated”. ++++++++++++ Dear Corbis Contributor, We would like to inform you that Corbis […]
The list continues with part 2. 11. Do not wait to enforce the terms of your licenses, invoices or copyright. There are time limitation imposed by law which set specific time periods within which you must act to protect your rights and/or sue. You snooze, you lose – literally. A mere letter by you or […]
The NFL, in it’s quest to own as much intellectual property as corporately possible, is suing t-shirt makers and sellers who have printed up and are selling “Who dat?” t-shirts. “Who Dat?” is a shortening of a long time New Orleans Saints cheer – “Who dat say dey beat dem Saints?” In rebuttal and rebuke, […]
“Waving placards with the message, ‘I am a photographer, not a terrorist,’ about 2,000 photographers called for more leniency from the British police.” What can we say? Now I have seen some photographers with some dangerous looking telephotos. Check out the story at http://tinyurl.com/ycdmhfe