“It’s better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt.” ― attributed to Mark Twain There’s a little known fact that legitimate attorneys turn down more potential cases than the public knows. Lawyers figure that it is better to encourage as many phone or in person consultations for many potential […]
Archive for category Stuff you should know
When Silence Is Golden
Nov 19
If you get a letter from a lawyer, again, DO NOT ANSWER IT YOURSELF. See a trusted local lawyer. Here the client almost paid $5,000 for nothing other than to fill the pockets of some lawyers preying on the uninformed.
Apologies to Mr. Reagan, but in the world of copyright authors ought trust nobody but themselves when it comes to registering their work. We get – on average – two inquiries per week which are variations of the following scenario: An author or contributor of photos or illustrations contained in (usually) a book, have entered into an […]
Here are links, via Vimeo or Facebook, of our last B&H presentation “Speak Softly and Carry a Big Lawyer” It was mostly about lawyers for creative people. And if there are any questions, you can leave them here for us to answer. Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/698268146 Facebook: https://fb.watch/cOFOO2AKRn/
Another free B&H Event Place Q&A&Q session on May 4th at 5:00pm ET. Did we remember to say FREE!?? We’ll be going over whatever questions come in, but if they don’t, we’ll go over some lawyer issues. Good and bad. What to look for hiring a lawyer, what to ask, what do lawyers look for […]
Photos taken decades ago, infringed say two years ago BUT never registered CAN be registered now and the creator, estate, widow/widower etc can sue and collect money damages and put an end to the infringing uses. NEVER assume that it is too late to do anything without first speaking with an experience Copyright litigator. By […]
If you have a photography business that uses your name or another word(s), phrase(s), design(s), and/or logo(s) to indicate that you are the source of the photographs, consider filing for a Federal Trademark Registration. This is your “brand” no different than, for example, a clothing designer’s name. If you provide or intend to provide photography […]
We’re at it again on a free Zoom session. Should be an interesting hour as the two of us discuss recent court cases like Warhol Foundation vs Lynn Goldsmith, how MAD Magazine ties into this, legal considerations regarding NFTs, other topics, and as always, answering questions. Come join the fun this Wednesday, April 28th at […]
Looks like we’re on B&H’s Event Space Zoom/Facebook broadcasts every month. This month we’re going to cover some interesting topics and as always, taking questions. But you can always ask us questions here. Here’s the description and signup link for the January session: A&Q&A | Legal Issues in the News Photographer Jack Reznicki and IP […]
Copyright A&Q&A on Oct 14th
Oct 13
Ed & I will be doing another A&Q&A (Answers, Questions, and Answers) at the B&H Event Space online. The B&H info page is https://www.bhphotovideo.com/find/eventDetails.jsp/id/3636 Or you can “Zoom in” at https://zoom.us/j/94706947382?pwd=YzFvZUF3azNUdVpWUUFNbXlCczQ3dz09with the passcode number 512709 Or, you can follow the live stream on Facebook as it happens in real time at@ www.facebook.com/bheventspace/ & livestream.com/bheventspace Come join the […]