“Unity is strength… when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved.” That’s a quote by the late child writer and poet, Mattie Stepanek. Jack was fortunate to photograph the author years ago at Mattie’s home. It’s a great quote because it rings true. Partnerships and collaborations, especially in the arts, can produce wonderful […]
Archive for category Quotes
Follow The Money
Mar 2
“When you know the truth it will drive you insane …” so said Aldous Huxley and who are we to argue with Huxley. Ask anyone involved in the creation, appropriation, infringement, adjudication, sales or licensing of intellectual property this simple question: “To what do you attribute the increased amount of stealing or infringing on the works […]
One of the biggest acts in the history of Motown was the Temptations, who 46 years ago famously sang: “Ball of confusion, Oh yeah, that’s what the world is today, Hey hey!” They were right on then and they’re right now. When Prince died without having a will people were truly shocked. That a man […]
A reader of this blog, Gary Schubert posed a really good question in our comments section. It is one that we feel is a bit too complex for a short answer there, hence this piece. He asked why celebrity photographer Tyler Shields can get away with the often alleged copying of the work of others. […]
Paying it Forward
Nov 30
There is a great story about an accomplished photojournalist, Yunghi Kim donating $10,000 to set up 10 one-time grants for photographers. You can read about it in this story on the Photoshelter blog, here. We present it here with a smile. Ms Kim is able to make a wonderful donation because she collected a sum of money by […]
There are many “big lies” out there with new ones sprouting every day. We try to get to as many as we can, but we’ll never live long enough just to cover all of the ones already spreading. Especially with the help they get on the Internet. “It must be true, I read it on […]
Our New B&H Video Is Up
Sep 10
Hi all, our brand new, hour and a half video, we did at B&H is up on their YouTube feed. A lot of new stuff for us, we think you’ll find interesting and enlightening. In any case, we had fun as usual. Here’s the link. Please let us know what you think.
Role Reversal
May 31
As creative people, nothing upsets us more than having someone steal our work. Especially when they take money out of our pocket and put it into theirs. The theft alone makes one feel violated and the money part makes it exponentially worse. When big companies steal our work, what we hear is that it’s “An […]
Rather than subject you to more admittedly elegant legal and business advice from us, we’ve decided to offer up some of the wisdom of our clients, friends and associates. There is not a single “newbie” among them and they have the scars to prove it. If you have you own words of wisdom via the school […]