Looks like we’re on B&H’s Event Space Zoom/Facebook broadcasts every month. This month we’re going to cover some interesting topics and as always, taking questions. But you can always ask us questions here.
Here’s the description and signup link for the January session:
A&Q&A | Legal Issues in the News
Passcode: 106514
#1 by Randy on February 8, 2021 - 10:42 am
i hope you can assist me. i have a question
if say i collect 20 random photos of people (may or may not be professional) from the internet and put them together in a slide show / movie would i be in violation of copy right law or would my new work be considered Derivative work as no one image would get any more time then another one.
#2 by Jack and Ed on February 8, 2021 - 11:09 am
First let me clarify terminology, that a derivative is a copyright infringement. The right to control derivatives is specifically spelled out in the law as one of the “exclusive” rights, or also referred to as one of the rights in the bundle of rights, that a copyright owner has in copyright. What you’re trying to ask is, if your use is a violation. Easy answer – yes it’s an infringement. Not only of the original copyright, but also of the rights of publicity and privacy of the people in the photos. Doesn’t matter if it’s on for a second or an hour. The damage has been done no matter the length of time.