Gee, we posted a short story about Pinterest’s terrible TOS and they CHANGED IT THE SAME DAY!
Was it our blog post here on The Copyright Zone?? Maybe yes, maybe no. Like maybe we’ll also have the winning number’s in tonight’s $300 million lottery drawing. Hey, ya never know!
Haven’t read the new TOS, but great to know there’s movement in the right direction. Pinterest no longer has the right to sell what you post, which put you the user in harm’s way.
#1 by Michael Corbin on March 25, 2012 - 11:22 am
Verrrrrry interesting.
I expect, given that Pinterest’s TOS also require posters to indemnify Pinterest against all claims, that this story is going to have more chapters.
I just got done leaving this comment for Pinterest: “Consider: I park my car along the street. Anybody who wanders by and fancies a drive, who jumps in and drives away, is a thief. I do not need to pin a note to the steering wheel saying “(name of thief), you do not have the right to drive my car away, if you do so, you are stealing.” If I did have to do that, I’d have to name every person who MIGHT come along that day, a list entirely too long to attempt. So suddenly, your “tiny bit of code” that tells Pinterest to leave my stuff alone now consumes gigabytes of bandwidth to tell you and every imitator who might come along the same thing? I think you got it backwards here. It is not incumbent on me to tell a wandering passerby not to steal my car, nor YOU to not steal my copyrighted material.”