An attorney gave advice recently on another blog regarding protecting your photography. As a fellow lawyer, Ed can’t really comment on it in the way he would like. Jack, who is just a photographer, can. One of the points given was that photographers can create their own “cease and desist” or “demand” letter without the […]
Archive for category Copyright
Magazines report another drop in readership. Take a closer look at the reports. The drop referred to is in newsstand sales which are far more profitable to publishers than the typically heavily discounted subscription sales. Surprised? You shouldn’t be. The impulse to buy a newspaper or magazine for a flight or train ride has been […]
Dear Ms. Ricci: Team Pilfered Magazine has a new post up which unfortunately, we can’t quite seem to understand. All of our combined years of schooling and tuition seem woefully inadequate. Sure there is the distracting photo of a beautiful woman next to the new post – did we mention she’s topless also? – but […]
The aptly named new on-line magazine, “Pilfered” recently came to the attention of Photo District News. By all means, read the fine PDN piece at : Well we were flat out shocked by the apparent use of a business model which seems to foster, encourage and/or facilitate the unabashed “pilfering” of the creative work of […]
The NFL, in it’s quest to own as much intellectual property as corporately possible, is suing t-shirt makers and sellers who have printed up and are selling “Who dat?” t-shirts. “Who Dat?” is a shortening of a long time New Orleans Saints cheer – “Who dat say dey beat dem Saints?” In rebuttal and rebuke, […]
Be wary photographers, snapping your shutter could trigger a 911 call. At least the Chicago Transit is warning commuters to be on the lookout for “excessive” photography. Click here for the story. Photographers have a right to take photos in public, but if you’re excessive, look out. This is causing confusion with Chicago transit employees […]
We suggested in our article that you Google your prospective attorney to ascertain just how much real life courtroom experience he/she has had. Be aware that some lawyers employ somewhat misleading practices on their own websites. Some will list cases in which they purportedly represented a client. All copyright cases are federal cases and therefore […]
While you are interviewing your potential legal representative and assessing his/her relative strengths and weaknesses, the odds are good that your new legal friend is sizing you up as well. Sure there are plenty of lawyers (especially in this economy) who will take almost any case. They will do so regardless of the client if […]
In an exercise of curious judgment The Weatherproof clothing company elected to employ a photograph of our President in an advertisement for its apparel. The ad took the form of (at least) a giant billboard in Times Square a/ka/ The Crossroads of the World. Weatherproof has stated to the media that the image was a […]
The other day we posted the following: “Going the Times one worse, running every day on page 2 of the The New York Daily News is a plea which reads: ”GOT A PHOTO? Did you capture that perfect New York moment? We want it! Send your picture to: [email protected]” At the request of some […]