Looks like we’re on B&H’s Event Space Zoom/Facebook broadcasts every month. This month we’re going to cover some interesting topics and as always, taking questions. But you can always ask us questions here. Here’s the description and signup link for the January session: A&Q&A | Legal Issues in the News Photographer Jack Reznicki and IP […]
Archive for category Copyright
This Wednesday, the 11th day of the 11th month at the 13th hour (1:00pm ET) the two of us will be at it again doing our third A&Q&A (answer and question and answer) session on the B&H Event Space. You can either follow us on Facebook on B&H’s channel or go to directly at https://www.bhphotovideo.com/find/eventDetails.jsp/id/3664 […]
Copyright A&Q&A on Oct 14th
Oct 13
Ed & I will be doing another A&Q&A (Answers, Questions, and Answers) at the B&H Event Space online. The B&H info page is https://www.bhphotovideo.com/find/eventDetails.jsp/id/3636 Or you can “Zoom in” at https://zoom.us/j/94706947382?pwd=YzFvZUF3azNUdVpWUUFNbXlCczQ3dz09with the passcode number 512709 Or, you can follow the live stream on Facebook as it happens in real time at@ www.facebook.com/bheventspace/ & livestream.com/bheventspace Come join the […]
A little while ago, we got a question from one of the readers to this blog, Matthew, who asked: “Hello Jack and Ed, one of my bucket list life goals is to see the 1894, 1915, and 1939-40 World’s Fairs of San Francisco digitally reconstructed, so one could explore these bygone historical spaces virtually. Ideally, these […]
Silence is Golden
Feb 12
There are times where instead of a photographer finding an infringement, a photographer (gasps) finds out that the shoe is on the other foot and OMG, you’ve infringed on someone’s work! It happens. Sometimes, it’s true and sometimes it’s not true. If you are accused of appropriating, infringing, stealing, copying or misusing the work of […]
It is impossible for us to effectively cover the seemingly endless saga of attorney Richard Liebowitz. First off, we simply don’t have investigators and reporters on staff to do the amount of research and digging necessary to cover the exploits of his actions and/or what effect they have had on his staggering number of cases. […]
Here’s the link to part 2 of our podcast with Matthias Hombauer’s “How To Be A Rockstar Photographer”. Enjoy! HTBARP 88 Edward Greenberg and Jack Reznicki: Copyright For Photographers
Our friend Matthias Hombauer just posted a discussion we had on his “How to be a Rockstar Photographer” podcast. It was a lively discussion about the issues we constantly talk about until we’re “blue in the face”. The discussion was so good, that rather than cut anything it was broken up into two parts. Here’s […]